Try this one if you want to sweat
(Before starting any exercise program be sure to check with your doctor)
Warm up:
30 squats and 1 hill run
20 squats and 1 stair run
10 squats and 1 hill run
5 squats and 1 stair run
Deck of Cards:
Hearts = dumbbell thrusters (Similar to clean and jerk - dumbbells in each hand, start with dumbbells near ground beside ankles with knees bent, as you stand up bring dumbbells up to shoulders , thrust up to arms extended overhead while pushing up on toes)
Diamonds = dumbbell swings (hold one dumbbell in both hands, with feet more than shoulder width apart, swing dumbbell between legs and up over head. Bend knees on the downswing)
Spades = lunges
Clubs = weighted sit-ups
Jokers = 15 burpies (from standing, feet together, put hands on ground, extend legs out together into a push-up position. Pull both legs together into squat position, jump to standing position) These are KILLER!
Workout for 20 minutes
Pick a card, perform exercise according to suit and card number.
Cool down
10 - 20 minutes of stretching
The Canadian guidelines for physical activity presently state that adults need 30 minutes of exercise every day. It's not working. These guidelines need review and revision. In the States they've upgraded theirs to include 60-90 minutes of activity that makes you SWEAT - EVERY DAY.
This workout will make you sweat for about 1 hour. A great place to start.
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