Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On Being a Cat

Find that slice of sunlight that streams in your window and curl up.
Create a cat bed that captures warmth is surrounded by plants and aches for a warm, purring body to curl up in it. Use it regularly for your cat naps.

5 minutes in the sun does wonders for creating, solving, relaxing and enjoying. Research has shown that our best ideas and solutions come when our brains are relaxed, bodies are in a state of flow, or exhaustion during that great morning run you regularly meditate through.

Follow the sun around your house, office or yard as you create your experiences every day.
Take 5 every day to BE a cat.

Even if you hate cats, try it.

Cats have no lack of self-confidence or personality.
They’re not shy about craving attention
Or about being by themselves.
Cats relish their surroundings, prance proudly.
Play with others, not always so empathetically, especially if you’re the mouse that’s been captured. But they play. They create their own fun and have fun with others.

Cats are simple and complex.

Cat's Eye Nebula (Wikipedia, March 15, 2009)
Structurally, one of the most complex nebulae known, observations reveal remarkable structures such as knots, jets and sinewy arc-like features.
It was discovered by William Herschel on February 15, 1786.
Modern studies reveal several mysteries. The intricacy of the structure may be caused in part by material ejected from a binary central star, but as yet, there is no direct evidence that the central star has a companion. Also, measurements of chemical abundances reveal a large discrepancy between measurements done by two different methods, the cause of which is uncertain.

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