Sunday, June 7, 2009

Disruptive Innovation and New Einsteins: a world of new

You probably have favourite websites that you visit regularly, use as your homepage and that are saved as bookmarks, so when was the last time you moved outside those familiar sites, search words and patterns?

In the last month I happened upon a whole new world of discussions, information and thought and I’m not quite sure how it happened. I’ll spare you the details, no it’s not Second Life, but that’s a wild world (just spent some time at a Web 2.0 session where they discussed how Second Life is used for education, interesting spin on a virtual world). I came across disruptive innovation and new Einsteins.

Disruptive innovation is the stuff that makes epic change, it’s at the far end of the spectrum, then there’s the other end that’s the stuff of smaller changes. Both have been argued to have the spotlight and both have their obstacles. I’m of the mind that either/or, and all along the innovation spectrum are and need to be supported.

We’ve an opportunity, always will and always have, to move ideas. Think about Harry Potter, nothing had been done like it before. Think about Bugs Bunny, in its time, nothing had been done like it. Einstein, Plato, your dad, my sister, all move ideas. We move these ideas within systems.

A colleague and I were talking about the impact of systems and how we can create systems that open spaces for creation or that confine. As I’ve recently this new-found community, I see new ways, systems, that are opening up for the new Einsteins to emerge. Finding them, starting them and supporting them are within reach. All we have to do is encourage, question, dream, support and play.

If we recognize the systems in place and dig into deeper connections that truly resonate with our values will this lead us to the creation of ideas and systems that will shape a world of new? Maybe it’s disruptive Einsteins that are going to push us to new system innovations in a world of deep values. Or could it be that new world disruptions will connect Einstein innovations based on deeper systems?

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