Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Funny isn’t it when things line up and connect people, ideas, thoughts and actions…and we take notice. This got me thinking about synchronicity and so I asked a few people what it means to them:

“My connection with my spouse, you know how we go ‘hmmph’ at the same time? Our thought patterns merge at the same time”

“On the same wave length, more together, more as one but they’re 2 entities”

“Hilarious question because I was going to use synchronicity in an email to … you last night … and looked up the meaning. I didn’t use it because it didn’t fit. So, as you probably looked up, the definition from Encarta Dictionary is 'the coincidence of events that seem related, but are not obviously caused one by the other. The term was first used in this sense in the work of the psychologist Carl Jung.'
Off the top of my head, I thought the meaning of synchronicity was ‘events or occurrences or ideas that occur separately but are related without being planned to be so’. I guess that is close to the official definition.
Is it synchronicity when we are thinking about the same word at the same time, unknown to each other?”

When synchronicity taps you on the shoulder, take more than a note. We are all connected and synchronicity is something that we can build on for individual, group and community growth.

The first thing that comes to my mind is the song by The Police. Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iywBJitCnU to watch and hear it.

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