O - opportunity
U - unity
R - relationships
Taking a word like 'four' and writing down words or phrases that start with the letters - we've all done it.
Today I stumbled on a book called 'nowhere.' When I took a closer look I read the insert and it disected the meaning of its title: nowhere - no where, know where, now here. As I read about the Way of nowhere, I was amazed at how it fit so incredibly with my work. "The Way of nowhere is a living practice designed to unlock the creative and collective potential of organizations and their people."
A few years ago I connected with another entrepreneur, Linda Naiman, whose company, 'Creativity at Work' shares a newsletter that touches all my senses sending shivers up my spine. People like - Cynthia Watson of Soulstar Discovery, Suzanne Evans @ helpmorepeople.com, Stephen Heppell @ heppell.com, magazines -Yes!, movements - TED.com, centres - CSI - Centre for Social Innovators are some of the freshwater drops that fill my bucket and nourish me.
Listening for fresh drops create movement that stirs the 70% or so of my physical body composed of water. The other 30%, muscle and fat, are fed by the wonders of ideas, sectors, people, objects that are foreign to my experiences, education and culture. Equally important, curling my hair, piercing my nose and shading my eyes to see new, I feed with frenzy, love and curiosity.
Keep on doing it!
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