Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you a Mewe or a Weme?

A Mewe is one who uses their individual ability, charisma, drive, as the place from which energy, drive and passion directs change, action takes place. Seth Godin focuses on the Mewe in his book “Tribes” saying that ‘we need you to lead us’ therefore individuals are at the heart of action and we each have a responsibility in society.

A Weme acts on the basis that it’s something larger than the individual that creates change and impacts lives. Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of Weme in his book “Outliers” saying that systems, situations and outside influences affect success and impact our collective abilities. It is not necessarily individual skill, rather a collection that is responsible in society for our situation.

No matter if you are a Mewe or Weme both are valuable and make change occur. The two collaborate to create the dynamic nature of our actions and interactions. The dance of me and we concepts create magical performances.

Though Mewe’s and Weme’s could be confused as meanies and weenies (and at times may be) not taking ourselves too seriously while seriously living may just be the overarching message.


Barb Pedersen said...

Great minds are on the same thought pattern! Read my blog about focussing on participants for a similar idea. I talk about using a "We" focus rather than an "I" focus. I think I am a WeMe.

Karen said...

Must have been a we eeek